The Importance of Virtual and Remote Recruiting Tools

The Importance of Virtual and Remote Recruiting Tools

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The Importance of Virtual and Remote Recruiting Tools

Aida Fazylova
Mar 13, 2020 8:24:51 PM

Virtual recruiting is gaining a more prominent place within the technology stacks of talent acquisition, staffing and RPO teams, especially as of late. In a hiring environment where it’s increasingly difficult to get everyone in the same room and high-quality talent gets claimed quickly, a recruitment process with remote flexibility can provide a significant advantage.

Many technology companies like ourselves are trying to help teams adjust to today’s evolving recruiting landscape. While there is a vast array of solutions to achieve these goals, a few have stuck out to us as particularly impactful. 

Mobile and Text Message Communication

Most things have become more mobile. Glassdoor found that 58% of those polled search for jobs on their cell phones. While having a mobile-friendly application is crucial, allowing your candidate to contact you through their favorite phone application can get you ahead of the game. Studies show that two out of three candidates would prefer to converse via text message.

Mobile communication is not only more convenient but more comfortable for job seekers. Some virtual recruitment suites allow you to communicate with candidates on a plethora of mobile applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and traditional text messaging all through one interface. Communicating with applicants in a way that is relaxed for them will make them more likely to respond and to do so quickly.

Automated Candidate Screening

Much of modern-day recruitment is momentum-driven, especially knowing that top-candidates are usually off of the market within 10 days. One of the top ways to hasten your hiring process is to implement automated screening. Current day automation tools allow for advanced evaluation that saves recruiters time on the 88% of resumes that are unqualified. This extra time can allow for human resources to focus on providing a quality candidate experience for the top-value applicants.

On-Demand Video Interviewing

Our final suggestion for technological improvement is on-demand video interviewing. While live interviewing can be appealing, we have found success with our on-demand model. A candidate can take the interview at any time that is convenient for them, as all questions from the recruiter are pre-recorded. This method provides a valuable gateway into the candidate’s personality while also giving them a sense of the recruiter and employer. This tool can save the recruiter time as they can filter out the weakest candidates without spending a large block of time interviewing with them. 

Overall, automation and AI within recruiting have allowed for improved workflows and better experiences for your candidates where remote and virtual experience are preferred. Implementing these virtual recruiting technologies will help give you an advantage in recruiting and increase productivity within your human resources department. Even just one of the many tools available can dramatically change your workflow and start bringing in the top talent you want.

Do these tools sound like they would be helpful for your team? Sign up for a demo here.

Ready to learn more? Get the Complete How-To Guide on Virtual Career Fairs Here

Tags: Remote Recruiting, Virtual Recruiting

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